Hyperbolic 3-manifolds as cyclic branched coverings
Marco Reni
Università degli Studi di Trieste, ItalyBruno Zimmermann
Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

There is an extensive literature on the characterization of knots in the 3-sphere which have the same 3-manifold as a common n-fold cyclic branched covering, for some integer . In the present paper, we study the following more general situation. Given two integers m and n, how are knots K1 and K2 related such that the m-fold cyclic branched covering of K1 coincides with the n-fold cyclic branched covering of K2. Or, seen from the point of view of 3-manifolds: in how many different ways can a given 3-manifold occur as a cyclic branched covering of knots in S3. Under certain hypotheses, we solve this problem for the basic class of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and hyperbolic knots (the other basic class is that of Seifert fiber spaces resp. of torus and Montesinos knots for which the situation is well understood; the general case can then be analyzed using the equivariant sphere and torus decomposition into Seifert fiber spaces and hyperbolic manifolds).
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Marco Reni, Bruno Zimmermann, Hyperbolic 3-manifolds as cyclic branched coverings. Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 2, pp. 300–313
DOI 10.1007/PL00000380