Finiteness results for flat surfaces: large cusps and short geodesics
John Smillie
Cornell University, Ithaca, USABarak Weiss
Tel Aviv University, Israel

For fixed and we show the finiteness of the set of affine equivalence classes of flat surfaces of genus whose Veech group contains a cusp of hyperbolic co-area less than . We obtain new restrictions on Veech groups: any non-elementary Fuchsian group can appear only finitely many times in a fixed stratum; any non-elementary Veech group is of finite index in its normalizer; and the quotient of by a non-lattice Veech group admits arbitrarily large embedded disks. A key ingredient of the proof is the finiteness of the set of affine equivalence classes of flat surfaces of genus whose Veech group contains a hyperbolic element with eigenvalue less than .
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John Smillie, Barak Weiss, Finiteness results for flat surfaces: large cusps and short geodesics. Comment. Math. Helv. 85 (2010), no. 2, pp. 313–336
DOI 10.4171/CMH/197