Local-global principle for classical groups over function fields of -adic curves

  • Raman Parimala

    Emory University, Atlanta, USA
  • Venapally Suresh

    Emory University, Atlanta, USA
Local-global principle for classical groups over function fields of $p$-adic curves cover
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Let be a local field with residue field and the function field of a curve over . Let be a connected linear algebraic group over of classical type. Suppose is a good prime for . Then we prove that projective homogeneous spaces under over satisfy a local-global principle for rational points with respect to discrete valuations of . If is a semisimple simply connected group over , then we also prove that principal homogeneous spaces under over satisfy a local-global principle for rational points with respect to discrete valuations of .

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Raman Parimala, Venapally Suresh, Local-global principle for classical groups over function fields of -adic curves. Comment. Math. Helv. 97 (2022), no. 2, pp. 255–304

DOI 10.4171/CMH/531