Documenta Mathematica

A journal of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung.
Documenta Mathematica was established in 1996 by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung as a true open access journal – free of charge for authors and readers. The journal is open to all mathematical fields and is internationally oriented, publishing excellent and carefully refereed articles of general interest, which should preferably rely only on refereed sources and references.
Related to the journal is the Documenta Mathematica Series (formerly called Documenta Mathematica Extra Volumes), a book series that publishes edited volumes and monographs.
The journal is indexed in zbMATH Open, and Mathematical Reviews, as well as in Scopus and Web of Science (in the Science Citation Index Extended database, thus in the Journal Citation Reports).
The journal is owned by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung and it adheres to the European Mathematical Society Code of Practice and the publisher's Code of Conduct and Publishing Ethics.
The journal was produced and published from the beginning in 1996 until 2017 at Bielefeld University, from 2018 until 2022 by FIZ Karlsruhe, and at present by EMS Press. The costs for the production and the hosting of the journal are mostly covered by its owner. The Faculty of Mathematics in Bielefeld continues to support the journal.
Documenta Mathematica is published in one volume per annum, six issues per volume, approximately 1500 pages.