Stability in level 0, for the odd orthogonal -adic groups
Colette Moeglin
CNRS, Institut de mathématiques de JUSSIEU Paris

The general problem we discuss in this paper is how to prove stability properties for a linear combination of characters of irreductible discrete series of p-adic groups. Here we give ideas on how to reduce the case where the Langlands parameter is trivial on the wild ramification group to the case where this Langlands parameter factorizes through the Frobenius; we handle only the case of an odd orthogonal group. The principal result is that the localization commutes with the Lusztig's induction.
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Colette Moeglin, Stability in level 0, for the odd orthogonal -adic groups. Doc. Math. 9 (2004), pp. 527–564
DOI 10.4171/DM/177