Compactification of degenerate abelian schemes over a regular divisor
Sandra Rozensztajn
LAGA, Institut Galilée Université Paris 13 99 avenue J.-B. Clément, 94340 Villetaneuse, France
We consider a semiabelian scheme over a regular base scheme , which is generically abelian, such that the points of the base where the scheme is not abelian form a regular divisor . We construct a compactification of , that is a proper flat scheme over the base scheme, containing as a dense open set, such that is a divisor with normal crossings in . We also show that given an isogeny between two such semiabelian schemes, we can construct the compactifications so that the isogeny extends to a morphism between the compactifications.
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Sandra Rozensztajn, Compactification of degenerate abelian schemes over a regular divisor. Doc. Math. 11 (2006), pp. 57–71
DOI 10.4171/DM/204