Equivariant local cyclic homology and the equivariant Chern-Connes character

  • Christian Voigt

    Institut for Mathematical Sciences University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 5 2100 Copenhagen Denmark
Equivariant local cyclic homology and the equivariant Chern-Connes character cover
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We define and study equivariant analytic and local cyclic homology for smooth actions of totally disconnected groups on bornological algebras. Our approach contains equivariant entire cyclic cohomology in the sense of Klimek, Kondracki and Lesniewski as a special case and provides an equivariant extension of the local cyclic theory developped by Puschnigg. As a main result we construct a multiplicative Chern-Connes character for equivariant -theory with values in equivariant local cyclic homology.

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Christian Voigt, Equivariant local cyclic homology and the equivariant Chern-Connes character. Doc. Math. 12 (2007), pp. 313–359

DOI 10.4171/DM/227