Construction of eigenvarieties in small cohomological dimensions for semi-simple, simply connected groups

  • Richard Hill

    University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Construction of eigenvarieties in small cohomological dimensions for semi-simple, simply connected groups cover
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We study low order terms of Emerton's spectral sequence for simply connected, simple groups. As a result, for real rank 1 groups, we show that Emerton's method for constructing eigenvarieties is successful in cohomological dimension 1. For real rank 2 groups, we show that a slight modification of Emerton's method allows one to construct eigenvarieties in cohomological dimension 2.

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Richard Hill, Construction of eigenvarieties in small cohomological dimensions for semi-simple, simply connected groups. Doc. Math. 12 (2007), pp. 363–397

DOI 10.4171/DM/228