Evidence for a generalization of Gieseker's conjecture on stratified bundles in positive characteristic

  • Lars Kindler

Evidence for a generalization of Gieseker's conjecture on stratified bundles in positive characteristic cover
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Let be a smooth, connected, projective variety over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic. In [Gie75], Gieseker conjectured that every stratified bundle (i.e. every -coherent -module) on is trivial, if and only if . This was proven by Esnault–Mehta, [EM10]. Building on the classical situation over the complex numbers, we present and motivate a generalization of Gieseker's conjecture, using the notion of regular singular stratified bundles developed in the author's thesis and [Kin12a]. In the main part of this article we establish some important special cases of this generalization; most notably we prove that for not necessarily proper implies that there are no nontrivial regular singular stratified bundles with abelian monodromy.

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Lars Kindler, Evidence for a generalization of Gieseker's conjecture on stratified bundles in positive characteristic. Doc. Math. 18 (2013), pp. 1215–1242

DOI 10.4171/DM/426