Walls in Milnor Fiber Complexes
Alexander R. Miller
Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien, Austria

For a real reflection group the reflecting hyperplanes cut out on the unit sphere a simplicial complex called the Coxeter complex. Abramenko showed that each reflecting hyperplane meets the Coxeter complex in another Coxeter complex if and only if the Coxeter diagram contains no subdiagram of type , or . The present paper extends Abramenko's result to a wider class of complex reflection groups. These groups have a Coxeter-like presentation and a Coxeter-like complex called the Milnor fiber complex. Our first main theorem classifies the groups whose reflecting hyperplanes meet the Milnor fiber complex in another Milnor fiber complex. To understand better the walls that fail to be Milnor fiber complexes we introduce Milnor walls. Our second main theorem generalizes Abramenko's result in a second way. It says that each wall of a Milnor fiber complex is a Milnor wall if and only if the diagram contains no subdiagram of type , , or .
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Alexander R. Miller, Walls in Milnor Fiber Complexes. Doc. Math. 23 (2018), pp. 1247–1261
DOI 10.4171/DM/646