Unique Continuation for Many-Body Schrödinger Operators and the Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem. II: The Pauli Hamiltonian
Louis Garrigue
Ceremade, University Paris-Dauphine, 75016 Paris, France

We prove the strong unique continuation property for many-body Pauli operators with external potentials, interaction potentials and magnetic fields in , and with magnetic potentials in , where and . For this purpose, we prove a singular Carleman estimate involving fractional Laplacian operators. Consequently, we obtain Tellgren's Hohenberg-Kohn theorem for the Maxwell-Schrödinger model.
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Louis Garrigue, Unique Continuation for Many-Body Schrödinger Operators and the Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem. II: The Pauli Hamiltonian. Doc. Math. 25 (2020), pp. 869–898
DOI 10.4171/DM/765