Flow box decomposition for gradients of univariate polynomials, billiards on the Riemann sphere, tree-like configurations of vanishing cycles for curve singularities and geometric cluster monodromy

  • Norbert A'Campo

    Universität Basel, Switzerland
Flow box decomposition for gradients of univariate polynomials, billiards on the Riemann sphere, tree-like configurations of vanishing cycles for $A_n$ curve singularities and geometric cluster monodromy cover
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The base space of the universal unfolding of -curve singularities is equipped with a stratification such that the geometric monodromy group is generated by wall-crossing mapping classes.

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Norbert A'Campo, Flow box decomposition for gradients of univariate polynomials, billiards on the Riemann sphere, tree-like configurations of vanishing cycles for curve singularities and geometric cluster monodromy. EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 9 (2022), no. 2, pp. 389–414

DOI 10.4171/EMSS/62