Automorphisms of curve complexes on nonorientable surfaces

  • Ferihe Atalan

    Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Mustafa Korkmaz

    Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey


For a compact connected nonorientable surface of genus with boundary components, we prove that the natural map from the mapping class group of to the automorphism group of the curve complex of is an isomorphism provided that . We also prove that two curve complexes are isomorphic if and only if the underlying surfaces are diffeomorphic.

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Ferihe Atalan, Mustafa Korkmaz, Automorphisms of curve complexes on nonorientable surfaces. Groups Geom. Dyn. 8 (2014), no. 1, pp. 39–68

DOI 10.4171/GGD/216