Homological and Bloch invariants for -rank one spaces and flag structures

  • Inkang Kim

    KIAS, Seoul, South Korea
  • Sungwoon Kim

    Jeju National University, South Korea
  • Thilo Kuessner

    KIAS, Seoul, South Korea


We use group homology to define invariants in algebraic K-theory and in an analogue of the Bloch group for -rank one lattices and for some other geometric structures. We also show that the Bloch invariants of CR structures and of ag structures can be recovered by a fundamental class construction.

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Inkang Kim, Sungwoon Kim, Thilo Kuessner, Homological and Bloch invariants for -rank one spaces and flag structures. Groups Geom. Dyn. 9 (2015), no. 3, pp. 917–974

DOI 10.4171/GGD/332