Translation-like actions by , the subgroup membership problem, and Medvedev degrees of effective subshifts
Nicanor Carrasco-Vargas
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

We show that every infinite, locally finite, and connected graph admits a translation-like action by , and that this action can be taken to be transitive exactly when the graph has either one or two ends. The actions constructed satisfy for every vertex . This strengthens a theorem by Brandon Seward. We also study the effective computability of translation-like actions on groups and graphs. We prove that every finitely generated infinite group with decidable word problem admits a translation-like action by which is computable and satisfies an extra condition which we call decidable orbit membership problem. As a nontrivial application of our results, we prove that for every finitely generated infinite group with decidable word problem, effective subshifts attain all Medvedev degrees. This extends a classification proved by Joseph Miller for .
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Nicanor Carrasco-Vargas, Translation-like actions by , the subgroup membership problem, and Medvedev degrees of effective subshifts. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/GGD/817