Clopen type semigroups of actions on -dimensional compact spaces

  • Julien Melleray

    Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Clopen type semigroups of actions on $0$-dimensional compact spaces cover
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We investigate properties of the clopen type semigroup of an action of a countable group on a compact, -dimensional, Hausdorff space . We discuss some characterizations of dynamical comparison (most of which were already known in the metrizable case) in this setting and prove that for a Cantor minimal action  of an amenable group the topological full group of  admits a dense, locally finite subgroup iff the corresponding clopen type semigroup is unperforated. We also discuss some properties of clopen type semigroups of the Stone–Čech compactifications and universal minimal flows of countable groups, and derive some consequences on generic properties in the space of minimal actions of a given countable group on the Cantor space.

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Julien Melleray, Clopen type semigroups of actions on -dimensional compact spaces. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/GGD/844