Finitely presented groups and the Whitehead nightmare
Daniele Ettore Otera
Vilnius University, LithuaniaValentin Poénaru
Université Paris-Sud 11, France
We define a "nice representation" of a finitely presented group as being a non-degenerate essentially surjective simplicial map from a „nice" space into a 3-complex associated to a presentation of , with a strong control over the singularities of , and such that is WGSC (weakly geometrically simply connected), meaning that it admits a filtration by simply connected and compact subcomplexes. In this paper we study such representations for a very large class of groups, namely QSF (quasi-simply filtered) groups, where QSF is a topological tameness condition of groups that is similar to, but weaker than, WGSC. In particular, we prove that any QSF group admits a WGSC representation which is locally finite, equivariant and whose double point set is closed.
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Daniele Ettore Otera, Valentin Poénaru, Finitely presented groups and the Whitehead nightmare. Groups Geom. Dyn. 11 (2017), no. 1, pp. 291–310
DOI 10.4171/GGD/397