On the genericity of pseudo-Anosov braids II: conjugations to rigid braids
Sandrine Caruso
Université Rennes 1, FranceBert Wiest
Université de Rennes I, France
We prove that generic elements of braid groups are pseudo-Anosov, in the following sense: in the Cayley graph of the braid group with strands, with respect to Garside's generating set, we prove that the proportion of pseudo-Anosov braids in the ball of radius tends to exponentially quickly as tends to infinity. Moreover, with a similar notion of genericity, we prove that for generic pairs of elements of the braid group, the conjugacy search problem can be solved in quadratic time. The idea behind both results is that generic braids can be conjugated „easily" into a rigid braid.
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Sandrine Caruso, Bert Wiest, On the genericity of pseudo-Anosov braids II: conjugations to rigid braids. Groups Geom. Dyn. 11 (2017), no. 2, pp. 549–565
DOI 10.4171/GGD/407