Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings III/V. Erasing maps, orbispaces, and the Birman exact sequence

  • Laurent Bartholdi

    Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
  • Dzmitry Dudko

    Stony Brook University, USA
Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings III/V. Erasing maps, orbispaces, and the Birman exact sequence cover
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Let be a Thurston map and let be its mapping class biset: isotopy classes rel of maps obtained by pre- and post-composing by the mapping class group of . Let be an -invariant subset, and let be the induced map. We give an analogue of the Birman short exact sequence: just as the mapping class group is an iterated extension of by fundamental groups of punctured spheres, is an iterated extension of by the dynamical biset of .

Thurston equivalence of Thurston maps classically reduces to a conjugacy problem in mapping class bisets. Our short exact sequence of mapping class bisets allows us to reduce in polynomial time the conjugacy problem in to that in . In case is geometric (either expanding or doubly covered by a hyperbolic torus endomorphism) we show that the dynamical biset together with a “portrait of bisets” induced by is a complete conjugacy invariant of .

Along the way, we give a complete description of bisets of -maps as a crossed product of bisets of torus endomorphisms by the cyclic group of order , and we show that non-cyclic orbisphere bisets have no automorphism.

We finally give explicit, efficient algorithms that solve the conjugacy and centralizer problems for bisets of expanding or torus maps.

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Laurent Bartholdi, Dzmitry Dudko, Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings III/V. Erasing maps, orbispaces, and the Birman exact sequence. Groups Geom. Dyn. 15 (2021), no. 4, pp. 1197–1265

DOI 10.4171/GGD/629