Automorphisms of partially commutative groups I: Linear subgroups
Andrew J. Duncan
University of Newcastle, Great BritainIlya Kazachkov
McGill University, Montreal, CanadaVladimir N. Remeslennikov
Omsk State University, Russian Federation
We construct and describe several arithmetic subgroups of the automorphism group of a partially commutative group. More precisely, given an arbitrary finite graph we construct arithmetic subgroups and , represented as subgroups of , where is the number of vertices of the graph . Here and are certain lattices of subsets of and is the stabiliser of the subgroup generated by . In addition we give a description of the decomposition of the group , which stabilises up to conjugacy, as a semidirect product of the group of conjugating automorphisms and .
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Andrew J. Duncan, Ilya Kazachkov, Vladimir N. Remeslennikov, Automorphisms of partially commutative groups I: Linear subgroups. Groups Geom. Dyn. 4 (2010), no. 4, pp. 739–757
DOI 10.4171/GGD/103