Regularity of expanding front and its application to solidification/melting in undercooled liquid/superheated solid
Xinfu Chen
University of Pittsburgh, United StatesHuiqiang Jiang
University of Pittsburgh, USA

This article proves that fronts of expanding domains with Hölder continuous speeds are contained in finite unions of Lipschitz graphs. As an application, the global in time existence of a solution to a free boundary problem modelling solidification in undercooled liquid or liquidation in superheated solid is established; here the propagation speed of the liquid/solid interface is assumed to be a known positive smooth function of the temperature, known as a kinetic undercooling/superheating effect.
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Xinfu Chen, Huiqiang Jiang, Regularity of expanding front and its application to solidification/melting in undercooled liquid/superheated solid. Interfaces Free Bound. 15 (2013), no. 3, pp. 281–322
DOI 10.4171/IFB/304