Epsilon-regularity for almost-minimizers of anisotropic free interface problem with Hölder dependence on the position

  • Luca Esposito

    Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
  • Lorenzo Lamberti

    Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
  • Giovanni Pisante

    Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta, Italy
Epsilon-regularity for almost-minimizers of anisotropic free interface problem with Hölder dependence on the position cover
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We establish an -regularity result for almost-minimizers of a class of variational problems involving both bulk and interface energies. The bulk energy is of Dirichlet type. The surface energy exhibits anisotropic behavior and is defined by means of an ellipsoidal density that is Hölder continuous with respect to the position variable.

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Luca Esposito, Lorenzo Lamberti, Giovanni Pisante, Epsilon-regularity for almost-minimizers of anisotropic free interface problem with Hölder dependence on the position. Interfaces Free Bound. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/IFB/535