Zero width limit of the heat equation on moving thin domains
Tatsu-Hiko Miura
University of Tokyo, Japan

We study the behavior of a variational solution to the Neumann type problem of the heat equation on a moving thin domain that converges to an evolving surface as the width of goes to zero. We show that, under suitable assumptions, the average in the normal direction of of a variational solution to the heat equation converges weakly in a function space on as the width of goes to zero, and that the limit is a unique variational solution to a limit equation on , which is a new type of linear diffusion equation involving the mean curvature and the normal velocity of . We also estimate the difference between variational solutions to the heat equation on and the limit equation on .
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Tatsu-Hiko Miura, Zero width limit of the heat equation on moving thin domains. Interfaces Free Bound. 19 (2017), no. 1, pp. 31–77
DOI 10.4171/IFB/376