Properties of Sobolev-type metrics in the space of curves
A.C.G. Mennucci
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ItalyA. Yezzi
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United StatesG. Sundaramoorthi
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States

We define a manifold where objects are curves, which we parameterize as (, is the circle). We study geometries on the manifold of curves, provided by Sobolev-type Riemannian metrics . These metrics have been shown to regularize gradient flows used in computer vision applications, see [13], [14], [16] and references therein.
We provide some basic results of metrics; and, for the cases , we characterize the completion of the space of smooth curves. We call these completions and Sobolev-type Riemannian Manifolds of Curves.” This result is fundamental since it is a first step in proving the existence of geodesics with respect to these metrics. As a byproduct, we prove that the Fréchet distance of curves (see [7]) coincides with the distance induced by the “Finsler metric” defined in §2.2 of [18]
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A.C.G. Mennucci, A. Yezzi, G. Sundaramoorthi, Properties of Sobolev-type metrics in the space of curves. Interfaces Free Bound. 10 (2008), no. 4, pp. 423–445
DOI 10.4171/IFB/196