Energies for incoherent films: an analytical approach
Paolo Cermelli
Università degli Studi di Torino, ItalyMorton E. Gurtin
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USAGiovanni Leoni
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
This work discusses the role of interfacial energy for problems involving an epitaxial layer on a rigid substrate. Using the calculus of variations, resulting microstructures are determined for a large class of interfacial energies; the qualitative features of these microstructures demonstrate a strong dependence on the smoothness and convexity of the energy. This work is meant to provide insight into deciding appropriate energies for a large class of incoherent interfaces.
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Paolo Cermelli, Morton E. Gurtin, Giovanni Leoni, Energies for incoherent films: an analytical approach. Interfaces Free Bound. 1 (1999), no. 1, pp. 81–105
DOI 10.4171/IFB/5