On the justification of the quasistationary approximation in the problem of motion of a viscous capillary drop

  • Vsevolod A. Solonnikov

    Russian Acadademy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


We prove that the free boundary problem governing the motion of an isolated liquid mass in the case of a small Reynolds number [egr] has a unique solution in a certain time interval (0, T0) independent of [egr] and we show that the difference of the solution and of the quasistationary approximation to the solution has order 0([egr]) for t [isin] (t0, T0) with arbitrary positive t0.

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Vsevolod A. Solonnikov, On the justification of the quasistationary approximation in the problem of motion of a viscous capillary drop. Interfaces Free Bound. 1 (1999), no. 2, pp. 125–173

DOI 10.4171/IFB/7