On the justification of the quasistationary approximation in the problem of motion of a viscous capillary drop
Vsevolod A. Solonnikov
Russian Acadademy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

We prove that the free boundary problem governing the motion of an isolated liquid mass in the case of a small Reynolds number [egr] has a unique solution in a certain time interval (0, T0) independent of [egr] and we show that the difference of the solution and of the quasistationary approximation to the solution has order 0([egr]) for t [isin] (t0, T0) with arbitrary positive t0.
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Vsevolod A. Solonnikov, On the justification of the quasistationary approximation in the problem of motion of a viscous capillary drop. Interfaces Free Bound. 1 (1999), no. 2, pp. 125–173
DOI 10.4171/IFB/7