Linear stability of selfsimilar solutions of unstable thin-film equations
Dejan Slepčev
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States

We study the linear stability of selfsimilar solutions of long-wave unstable thin-film equations with power-law nonlinearities
Steady states, which exist for all values of and above, are shown to be stable if when , marginally stable if when , and unstable otherwise. Dynamical selfsimilar solutions are known to exist for a range of values of when . We carry out the analysis of the stability of these solutions when and . Spreading selfsimilar solutions are proven to be stable. Selfsimilar blowup solutions with a single local maximum are proven to be stable, while selfsimilar blowup solutions with more than one local maximum are shown to be unstable.
The equations above are gradient flows of a nonconvex energy on formal infinite-dimensional manifolds. In the special case the equations are gradient flows with respect to the Wasserstein metric. The geometric structure of the equations plays an important role in the analysis and provides a natural way to approach a family of linear stability problems.
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Dejan Slepčev, Linear stability of selfsimilar solutions of unstable thin-film equations. Interfaces Free Bound. 11 (2009), no. 3, pp. 375–398
DOI 10.4171/IFB/215