Analysis of the Allen–Cahn–Ohta–Nakazawa model in a ternary system
Sookyung Joo
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USAXiang Xu
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USAYanxiang Zhao
George Washington University, USA

In this paper we study the global well-posedness of the Allen–Cahn–Ohta–Nakazawa model with two fixed nonlinear volume constraints. Utilizing the gradient flow structure of its free energy, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution by following De Giorgi’s minimizing movement scheme in a novel way.
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Sookyung Joo, Xiang Xu, Yanxiang Zhao, Analysis of the Allen–Cahn–Ohta–Nakazawa model in a ternary system. Interfaces Free Bound. 23 (2021), no. 4, pp. 535–559
DOI 10.4171/IFB/465