The thin film equation with backwards second order diffusion
Amy Novick-Cohen
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelAndrey Shishkov
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine

We focus on the thin film equation with lower order “backwards” diffusion which can describe, for example, the evolution of thin viscous films in the presence of gravity and thermo-capillary effects, or the thin film equation with a “porous media cutoff” of van der Waals forces. We treat in detail the equation
where , , , and . Global existence of weak nonnegative solutions is proven when and or , and when , , . From the weak solutions, we get strong entropy solutions under the additional constraint that if . A local energy estimate is obtained when under some additional restrictions. Finite speed of propagation is proven when , for the case of “strong slippage”, , when based on local entropy estimates, and for the case of “weak slippage”, , when based on local entropy and energy estimates.
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Amy Novick-Cohen, Andrey Shishkov, The thin film equation with backwards second order diffusion. Interfaces Free Bound. 12 (2010), no. 4, pp. 463–496
DOI 10.4171/IFB/242