Wavelet analogue of the Ginzburg–Landau energy and its Γ-convergence
Julia A. Dobrosotskaya
University of Maryland, College Park, USAAndrea L. Bertozzi
University of California Los Angeles, USA

This paper considers a wavelet analogue of the classical Ginzburg–Landau energy, where the _H_1 seminorm is replaced by the Besov seminorm defined via an arbitrary regular wavelet. We prove that functionals of this type Γ-converge to a weighted analogue of the TV functional on characteristic functions of finite-perimeter sets. The Γ-limiting functional is defined explicitly, in terms of the wavelet that is used to define the energy. We show that the limiting energy is none other than the surface tension energy in the 2D Wulff problem and its minimizers are represented by the corresponding Wulff shapes. This fact as well as the
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Julia A. Dobrosotskaya, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Wavelet analogue of the Ginzburg–Landau energy and its Γ-convergence. Interfaces Free Bound. 12 (2010), no. 4, pp. 497–525
DOI 10.4171/IFB/243