Reconstruction of cracks and material losses by perimeter-like penalizations and phase-field methods: numerical results
Wolfgang Ring
Universität Graz, AustriaLuca Rondi
Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

We numerically implement the variational approach for reconstruction in the inverse crack and cavity problems developed by one of the authors. The method is based on a suitably adapted free-discontinuity problem. Its main features are the use of phase-field functions to describe the defects to be reconstructed and the use of perimeter-like penalizations to regularize the ill-posed problem. The numerical implementation is based on the solution of the corresponding optimality system by a gradient method. Numerical simulations are presented to show the validity of the method.
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Wolfgang Ring, Luca Rondi, Reconstruction of cracks and material losses by perimeter-like penalizations and phase-field methods: numerical results. Interfaces Free Bound. 13 (2011), no. 3, pp. 353–371
DOI 10.4171/IFB/262