Parabolic regularization of differential inclusions and the stop operator
Pavel Krejcí
Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech RepublicJürgen Sprekels
Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin, Germany

Parabolic differential inclusions with convex constraints in a finite-dimensional space are considered with a small 'diffusion' coefficient [egr] at the elliptic term. This problem arises for instance in multicomponent phase-field systems. We prove the strong convergence of solutions as [egr] [rarr] 0 to the solution of the singular limit equation and show the connection to elementary hysteresis operators.
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Pavel Krejcí, Jürgen Sprekels, Parabolic regularization of differential inclusions and the stop operator. Interfaces Free Bound. 4 (2002), no. 4, pp. 423–435
DOI 10.4171/IFB/68