A category for oriented matroids
Ethan Kowalenko
University of Waterloo, CanadaCarl Mautner
University of California, Riverside, USA
We associate to a sufficiently generic oriented matroid program and choice of linear system of parameters a finite-dimensional algebra, whose representation theory is analogous to blocks of Bernstein—Gelfand—Gelfand category . When the data above comes from a generic linear program for a hyperplane arrangement, we recover the algebra defined by Braden—Licata—Proudfoot—Webster.
Applying our construction to non-linear oriented matroid programs provides a large new class of algebras. For Euclidean oriented matroid programs, the resulting algebras are quasi-hereditary and Koszul, as in the linear setting. In the non-Euclidean case, we obtain algebras that are not quasi-hereditary and not known to be Koszul, but still have a natural class of standard modules and satisfy numerical analogues of quasi-heredity and Koszulity on the level of graded Grothendieck groups.
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Ethan Kowalenko, Carl Mautner, A category for oriented matroids. J. Comb. Algebra 7 (2023), no. 1/2, pp. 159–226
DOI 10.4171/JCA/71