Rigidity of smooth finite-time blow-up for equivariant self-dual Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equation

  • Kihyun Kim

    IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France; Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Rigidity of smooth finite-time blow-up for equivariant self-dual Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equation cover
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We consider the long-time dynamics for the self-dual Chern–Simons–Schrödinger (CSS) equation within equivariant symmetry. The self-dual CSS equation is a self-dual -critical equation having pseudoconformal invariance and solitons. In this paper, we show that any -equivariant, ,  finite-time blow-up solution to the self-dual CSS equation is a pseudoconformal blow-up solution. More precisely, such a solution decomposes into the sum of one modulated soliton, which contracts at the pseudoconformal rate , and a radiation. Applying the pseudoconformal transform in reverse, we also obtain a refined soliton resolution theorem for -equivariant, , sufficiently regular and localized solutions: any such solutions blow up in the pseudoconformal regime, scatter (to ), or scatter to a modulated soliton with some fixed scale and phase. To our knowledge, this is the first result on the full classification of the dynamics of arbitrary smooth and spatially decaying solutions in the class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations which are not known to be completely integrable. Our analysis not only builds upon the previous works, especially the soliton resolution theorem by the author, Kwon, and Oh, but also refines all steps of the arguments typically employed in the forward construction of blow-up dynamics. The key feature of the proof is that we can identify the singular and regular parts of any finite-time blow-up solutions, such that the evolution of the singular part is governed by a universal modulation dynamics while the regular part is kept -bounded even up to the blow-up time. As a byproduct, we also observe that the asymptotic profile has a universal singular structure.

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Kihyun Kim, Rigidity of smooth finite-time blow-up for equivariant self-dual Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equation. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1569