Characteristic classes of affine varieties and Plücker formulas for affine morphisms
Alexander Esterov
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

An enumerative problem on a variety is usually solved by reduction to intersection theory in the cohomology of a compactification of . However, if the problem is invariant under a “nice” group action on (so that is spherical), then many authors suggested a better home for intersection theory: the direct limit of the cohomology rings of all equivariant compactifications of . We call this limit the affine cohomology of and construct affine characteristic classes of subvarieties of a complex torus, taking values in the affine cohomology of the torus.
This allows us to make the first steps in computing affine Thom polynomials. Classical Thom polynomials count how many fibers of a generic proper map of a smooth variety have a prescribed collection of singularities and our affine version addresses the same question for generic polynomial maps of affine algebraic varieites. This notion is also motivated by developing an intersection-theoretic approach to tropical correspondence theorems: they can be reduced to the computation of affine Thom polynomials, because the fundamental class of a variety in the affine cohomology is encoded by the tropical fan of this variety.
The first concrete answer that we obtain is the affine version of what were, historically speaking, the first three Thom polynomials – the Plücker formulas for the degree and the number of cusps and nodes of a projectively dual curve. This, in particular, characterizes toric varieties whose projective dual is a hypersurface, computes the tropical fan of the variety of double tangent hyperplanes to a toric variety, and describes the Newton polytope of the hypersurface of non-Morse polynomials of a given degree. We also make a conjecture on the general form of affine Thom polynomials; a key ingredient is the -ary fan, generalizing the secondary polytope.
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Alexander Esterov, Characteristic classes of affine varieties and Plücker formulas for affine morphisms. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 20 (2018), no. 1, pp. 15–59
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/758