Galois representations for general symplectic groups
Arno Kret
University of Amsterdam, NetherlandsSug Woo Shin
UC Berkeley, USA

We prove the existence of GSpin-valued Galois representations corresponding to cohomological cuspidal automorphic representations of general symplectic groups over totally real number fields under the local hypothesis that there is a Steinberg component. This confirms the Buzzard–Gee conjecture on the global Langlands correspondence in new cases. As an application we complete the argument by Gross and Savin to construct a rank 7 motive whose Galois group is of type in the cohomology of Siegel modular varieties of genus 3. Under some additional local hypotheses we also show automorphic multiplicity 1 as well as meromorphic continuation of the spin -functions.
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Arno Kret, Sug Woo Shin, Galois representations for general symplectic groups. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 1, pp. 75–152
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1179