Discrete Dirac operators on Riemann surfaces and Kasteleyn matrices
David Cimasoni
Université de Genève, Switzerland

Let be a flat surface of genus with cone type singularities. Given a bipartite graph isoradially embedded in , we define discrete analogs of the Dirac operators on . These discrete objects are then shown to converge to the continuous ones, in some appropriate sense. Finally, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions on the pair for these discrete Dirac operators to be Kasteleyn matrices of the graph . As a consequence, if these conditions are met, the partition function of the dimer model on can be explicitly written as an alternating sum of the determinants of these discrete Dirac operators.
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David Cimasoni, Discrete Dirac operators on Riemann surfaces and Kasteleyn matrices. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 14 (2012), no. 4, pp. 1209–1244
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/331