Computing scattering resonances

  • Jonathan Ben-Artzi

    Cardiff University, UK
  • Marco Marletta

    Cardiff University, UK
  • Frank Rösler

    Cardiff University, UK
Computing scattering resonances cover
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The question of whether it is possible to compute scattering resonances of Schrödinger operators – independently of the particular potential – is addressed. A positive answer is given, with the potential merely required to be and have compact support. The proof is constructive, providing a universal algorithm which only needs to access the values of the potential at any requested point. Numerical examples are provided and compared with known results.

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Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Marco Marletta, Frank Rösler, Computing scattering resonances. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 9, pp. 3633–3663

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1258