The pointwise behavior of Riemann’s function

  • Frederik Broucke

    Ghent University, Belgium
  • Jasson Vindas

    Ghent University, Belgium
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We present a new and simple method for the determination of the pointwise Hölder exponent of Riemann's function at every point of the real line. In contrast to earlier approaches, where wavelet analysis and the theta modular group were needed for the analysis of irrational points, our method is direct and elementary, being only based on the following tools from number theory and complex analysis: the evaluation of quadratic Gauss sums, the Poisson summation formula, and Cauchy's theorem.

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Frederik Broucke, Jasson Vindas, The pointwise behavior of Riemann’s function. J. Fractal Geom. 10 (2023), no. 3/4, pp. 333–349

DOI 10.4171/JFG/137