Tracing projective modules over noncommutative orbifolds

  • Sayan Chakraborty

    Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
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For an action of a finite cyclic group on an -dimensional noncommutative torus , we give sufficient conditions when the fundamental projective modules over , which determine the range of the canonical trace on , extend to projective modules over the crossed product -algebra . Our results allow us to understand the range of the canonical trace on , and determine it completely for several examples including the crossed products of 2-dimensional noncommutative tori with finite cyclic groups and the flip action of on any -dimensional noncommutative torus. As an application, for the flip action of on a simple -dimensional torus , we determine the Morita equivalence class of in terms of the Morita equivalence class of $A_\theta.

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Sayan Chakraborty, Tracing projective modules over noncommutative orbifolds. J. Noncommut. Geom. 17 (2023), no. 2, pp. 385–406

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/487