Bost–Connes type systems for function fields
Benoît Jacob
Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot

We describe a construction which associates to any function field and any place of a -dynamical system that is analogous to the Bost–Connes system associated to and its archimedean place. Our construction relies on Hayes’ explicit class field theory in terms of sign-normalized rank one Drinfel’d modules. We show that has a faithful continuous action of , where is a certain field constructed by Hayes such that . Here is the maximal abelian extension of that is totally split at . We classify the extremal KMS states of at any temperature and show that a phase transition with spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs at temperature . At high temperature , there is a unique KMS state, of type III, where is the cardinal of the constant subfield of . At low temperature , the space of extremal KMS states is principal homogeneous under . Each such state is of type I and the partition function is the Dedekind zeta function . Moreover, we construct a -subalgebra , we give a presentation of and of , and we show that the values of the low-temperature extremal KMS states at certain elements of are related to special values of partial zeta functions.
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Benoît Jacob, Bost–Connes type systems for function fields. J. Noncommut. Geom. 1 (2007), no. 2, pp. 141–211
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/4