Bordism, rho-invariants and the Baum–Connes conjecture

  • Paolo Piazza

    Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
  • Thomas Schick

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany


Let be a finitely generated discrete group. In this paper we establish vanishing results for rho-invariants associated to
(i) the spin Dirac operator of a spin manifold with positive scalar curvature and fundamental group ;
(ii) the signature operator of the disjoint union of a pair of homotopy equivalent oriented manifolds with fundamental group . The invariants we consider are more precisely

  • the Atiyah–Patodi–Singer (≡ APS) rho-invariant associated to a pair of finite dimensional unitary representations ,
  • the -rho-invariant of Cheeger–Gromov,
  • the delocalized eta-invariant of Lott for a non-trivial conjugacy class of which is finite.

We prove that all these rho-invariants vanish if the group is torsion-free and the Baum–Connes map for the maximal group -algebra is bijective. This condition is satisfied, for example, by torsion-free amenable groups or by torsion-free discrete subgroups of and . For the delocalized invariant we only assume the validity of the Baum–Connes conjecture for the reduced -algebra. In addition to the examples above, this condition is satisfied e.g. by Gromov hyperbolic groups or by cocompact discrete subgroups of .

In particular, the three rho-invariants associated to the signature operator are, for such groups, homotopy invariant. For the APS and the Cheeger–Gromov rho-invariants the latter result had been established by Navin Keswani. Our proof reestablishes this result and also extends it to the delocalized eta-invariant of Lott. The proof exploits in a fundamental way results from bordism theory as well as various generalizations of the APS-index theorem; it also embeds these results in general vanishing phenomena for degree zero higher rho-invariants (taking values in for suitable -algebras ). We also obtain precise information about the eta-invariants in question themselves, which are usually much more subtle objects than the rho-invariants.

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Paolo Piazza, Thomas Schick, Bordism, rho-invariants and the Baum–Connes conjecture. J. Noncommut. Geom. 1 (2007), no. 1, pp. 27–111

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/2