Sobolev algebras on Lie groups and noncommutative geometry
Cédric Arhancet
Lycée Lapérouse, Albi, France

We show that there exists a quantum compact metric space which underlies the setting of each Sobolev algebra associated to a subelliptic Laplacian on a compact connected Lie group if is large enough, more precisely under the (sharp) condition , where is the local dimension of and where . We also provide locally compact variants of this result and generalizations for real second-order subelliptic operators. We also introduce a compact spectral triple (= noncommutative manifold) canonically associated to each subelliptic Laplacian on a compact group. In addition, we show that its spectral dimension is equal to the local dimension of . Finally, we prove that the Connes spectral pseudo-metric allows us to recover the Carnot–Carathéodory distance.
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Cédric Arhancet, Sobolev algebras on Lie groups and noncommutative geometry. J. Noncommut. Geom. 18 (2024), no. 2, pp. 451–500
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/532