Cohomological approach to the graded Berezinian
Tiffany Covolo
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

We develop the theory of linear algebra over a -commutative algebra (), which includes the well-known super linear algebra as a special case (). Examples of such graded-commutative algebras are the Clifford algebras, in particular the quaternion algebra . Following a cohomological approach, we introduce analogues of the notions of trace and determinant. Our construction reduces in the classical commutative case to the coordinate-free description of the determinant by means of the action of invertible matrices on the top exterior power, and in the supercommutative case it coincides with the well-known cohomological interpretation of the Berezinian.
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Tiffany Covolo, Cohomological approach to the graded Berezinian. J. Noncommut. Geom. 9 (2015), no. 2, pp. 543–565
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/200