Spectral triples from bimodule connections and Chern connections

  • Edwin Beggs

    Swansea University, UK
  • Shahn Majid

    Queen Mary University of London, UK


We give a geometrical construction of Connes spectral triples or noncommutative Dirac operators starting with a bimodule connection on the proposed spinor bundle. The theory is applied to the example of , and also applies to the standard -sphere and the -disk with the right classical limit and all properties holding except for now being a twisted isometry. We also describe a noncommutative Chern construction from holomorphic bundles which in the -sphere case provides the relevant bimodule connection.

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Edwin Beggs, Shahn Majid, Spectral triples from bimodule connections and Chern connections. J. Noncommut. Geom. 11 (2017), no. 2, pp. 669–701

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/11-2-7