An inverse semigroup approach to the C*-algebras and crossed products of cancellative semigroups
Marat Aukhadiev
University of Münster, Germany and Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia

We give a newdefinition of the semigroup C*-algebra of a left cancellative semigroup, which resolves problems of the construction by X. Li.Namely, the newconstruction is functorial, and the independence of ideals in the semigroup does not influence the independence of the generators. It has a group C*-algebra as a natural quotient. The C*-algebra of the old construction is a quotient of the newone. All this applies both to the full and reduced C*-algebras. The construction is based on the universal inverse semigroup generated by a left cancellative semigroup. We apply this approach to connect amenability of a semigroup to nuclearity of its C*-algebra. Large classes of actions of these semigroups are in one-to-one correspondence, and the crossed products are isomorphic. A crossed product of a left Ore semigroup is isomorphic to the partial crossed product of the generated group.
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Marat Aukhadiev, An inverse semigroup approach to the C*-algebras and crossed products of cancellative semigroups. J. Noncommut. Geom. 12 (2018), no. 2, pp. 693–731
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/289