On Bost–Connes type systems and complex multiplication
Bora Yalkinoglu
Université Paris VI, Paris

By using the theory of complex multiplication for general Siegel modular varieties we construct arithmetic subalgebras for BC-type systems attached to number fields containing a CM field. The abelian extensions obtained in this way are characterized by results of [Wei]. Our approach is based on a general construction of BC-type systems of Ha and Paugam [HP05] and extends the construction of the arithmetic subalgebra of Connes, Marcolli and Ramachandran [CMR05] for imaginary quadratic fields.
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Bora Yalkinoglu, On Bost–Connes type systems and complex multiplication. J. Noncommut. Geom. 6 (2012), no. 2, pp. 275–319
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/92