Iterated Hopf Ore extensions in positive characteristic
Ken A. Brown
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UKJames J. Zhang
University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Iterated Hopf Ore extensions (IHOEs) over an algebraically closed base field of positive characteristic are studied. We show that every IHOE over satisfies a polynomial identity (PI), with PI-degree a power of , and that it is a filtered deformation of a commutative polynomial ring. We classify all -step IHOEs over , thus generalising the classification of -dimensional connected unipotent algebraic groups over . Further properties of -step IHOEs are described: for example their simple modules are classified, and every -step IHOE is shown to possess a large Hopf center and hence an analog of the restricted enveloping algebra of a Lie -algebra. As one of a number of questions listed, we propose that such a restricted Hopf algebra may exist for every IHOE over .
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Ken A. Brown, James J. Zhang, Iterated Hopf Ore extensions in positive characteristic. J. Noncommut. Geom. 16 (2022), no. 3, pp. 787–837
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/453