Non-embeddable II factors resembling the hyperfinite II factor

  • Isaac Goldbring

    University of California, Irvine, USA
Non-embeddable II$_1$ factors resembling the hyperfinite II$_1$ factor cover
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We consider various statements that characterize the hyperfinite II factors amongst embeddable II factors in the non-embeddable situation. In particular, we show that “generically” a II factor has the Jung property (which states that every embedding of itself into its ultrapower is unitarily conjugate to the diagonal embedding) if and only if it is self-tracially stable (which says that every such embedding has an approximate lifting). We prove that the enforceable factor, should it exist, has these equivalent properties. Our techniques are model-theoretic in nature. We also show how these techniques can be used to give new proofs that the hyperfinite II1 factor has the aforementioned properties.

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Isaac Goldbring, Non-embeddable II factors resembling the hyperfinite II factor. J. Noncommut. Geom. 17 (2023), no. 1, pp. 233–239

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/474