The spectrum of self-adjoint extensions associated with exceptional Laguerre differential expressions

  • Dale Frymark

    Technische Universität Graz, Austria
  • Jessica Stewart Kelly

    Christopher Newport University, Newport News, USA
The spectrum of self-adjoint extensions associated with exceptional Laguerre differential expressions cover
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Exceptional Laguerre-type differential expressions form an infinite class of Schrödinger operators having rational potentials and one limit-circle endpoint. In this manuscript, the spectrum of all self-adjoint extensions for a general exceptional Laguerre-type differential expression is given in terms of the Darboux transformations which relate the expression to the classical Laguerre differential expression. The spectrum is extracted from an explicit Weyl -function, up to a sign.

The construction relies primarily on two tools: boundary triples, which parameterize the self-adjoint extensions and produce the Weyl -functions, and manipulations of Maya diagrams and partitions, which classify the seed functions defining the relevant Darboux transforms. Several examples are presented.

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Dale Frymark, Jessica Stewart Kelly, The spectrum of self-adjoint extensions associated with exceptional Laguerre differential expressions. J. Spectr. Theory 13 (2023), no. 3, pp. 991–1043

DOI 10.4171/JST/475